Fresh fruits helps to tone your skin. Eat fruits more.

Most of us know we’re supposed to get our five-a-day of fruits and veggies. But does it really matter if we don’t? fresh fruit

What you eat doesn’t just affect how much you weigh and whether you have to let your belt out another notch.

Getting your five-a-day can reduce your chances of dying from stroke, cancer and heart disease and many other illness. Here are few wellness of fruits for your skin.

Apples: Stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The skin of apples are high in vitamin A. eat 3 – 4 apples a day while working to clearing your acne. Apples are good for skin health. Eat at least 2 a day. Eat organic apples because you can eat the skins and most pectin is in the skin, which helps with constipation. Apples contain ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, fiber, pectin, quercetin, minerals, and vitamins

Cantaloupe: Most of its valuable nutrients are in the flesh and rind, so it’s best to juice them.

Wellness of fruits   • Bananas: The pulp of the banana makes a great facial and is a wonderful skin cleanser. eat only one banana a day. Bananas have the phytochemcial fructoOligosaccharides, which feeds the good bacterial in your colon. By feeding the good bacteria, you prevent the bad bacteria from overtaking the colon and producing toxic acids that get to the skin and create acne

Pineapple: Reduces swelling due to arthritis; promotes the healing of wounds, curbs appetite and relieves sinusitis.

Watermelon: Contains Zinc and makes them valuable to the calming and repair of the skin. It re-oxygenates cells.

Oranges: It is a great protector against colds, flus, bruising and strokes. It strengthens collagen in the skin, joints, and brain.

Lemon: It is the highest in vitamin C and citric acid of all the citrus fruits. This aids digestive juices and relieves constipation.

Grapefruit: This eases constipation and improves digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices. help cleanse the body, build blood, and build the body. It is good for constipation, skin, and liver disorders.Also strengthens blood vessels and capillaries in the skin. Grape seeds contain protective flavonol compounds that scavenge free radicals & promote the growth and repair of connective tissue of the hair, skin, and nails.

Blueberries are a good blood cleanser. They are also good for constipation and various skin disorders – eczema, acne, psoriasis

healthy girl eating apples
Blackberries – help cleanse the blood and are good for constipation. They help a weak kidney and are good for creating good skin on your face

Apricots – eat as many as you like. Apricots are a high source of minerals, fiber, and beta-carotene and will help control acne. (A precursor to vitamin A) They help to relieve or prevent constipation.
Strawberries – have been shown to have strong anti-acne activity. They are high in pectin content, which helps to keep your bowels moving



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